As singles who are in a season of waiting for our partner this can feel like one of our biggest challenges. We may even beg and plead to God regularly to bring us a suitable partner to ease our minds, anxiety and emotional suffering.
Surrendering in patience to God has been extremely difficult from the very first humans. Eve did not want to wait on God's timing for supreme knowledge, so she fell for the serpents lies. She listened to what she wanted to hear and did not wait on God in a posture of obedience and humility. And in a way we can assume the same from Adam since he accepted Eve's invite to disobey God's command with her.
God wants the glory in our story, that is why we need to practice the discipline of patience. God is supreme in His timing. He sees and hears all. He knows all. He conducts it all for the very best outcome if we allow it, but our human nature wants to control it and have it on our timing. We allow our anxieties, jealousy, fear and desire to rule our hearts instead of the fruits of the spirit. See Jeremiah 17:9 "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond all cure. Who can understand it?" And Galatians 5:22-23 "But the fruits of the spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, fruitfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there are no laws"
It takes a great deal of the fruit of the spirit, self-control, to live in patience to God's timing and ways.
Just remember that if we are not prepared to handle a blessing, then when we receive it we will soon lose it and it may even destroy our life. Think of all the lottery winners who have completely blown through their winnings only to go broke or worse, get into more debt then before they won.
The Lord gives us free will and allows things to happen and play out, but that does not mean that he always blesses those things that he allows. So how do we know the difference? We need to get into the habit of slowing down, asking ourselves if this is us wanting to take control and then pray to God for his will to be done in the situation. Pray for his peace Philippians 4: 6-7. We need to examine if we are acting in our own desire or is this a fruit of the spirit? For example: A decision made out of wanting to calm our anxiety is not a fruit of the spirit.
Sometimes we have the temptation to go to our friends, because we know that they will agree with us and will justify our actions, but what would happen if we just took all of these thoughts and feelings to the Lord instead. Talked it out with Him the way that we see this done in Psalms.
Prayer: Lord, I want to release my desires in this situation to you. I desire for _________ but I want your wisdom and discernment because I recognize your authority over my life. I recognize your supreme timing and will in this situation. Please grant me your peace and patience. Guide me here Lord, I am listening. Amen