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Divinely Done®   Christian Life Coaching 

Divinely: an adverb 

  1. by the power of God

    "he regards the Bible as divinely inspired"

  2. in a very pleasing or delightful way.

    "you dance divinely"

Let every area of our life be done in a divinely inspired way in order to reflect the Kingdom of Heaven

Meet Janie

Professional Life Coach and Mentor for mid-life Christians

My focus is mostly on serving mid-life singles because I personally understand how challenging being single in mid-life can feel, but it is a divine season in our walk with God. It gives us the opportunity to have a special undivided focus on Him and His purpose for our life, free of the distractions that a partner brings. Paul talks about this in 1 Corinthians 7 


In my singlehood journey God patiently delivered me from so many worldly traps and put me on a path to doing life His way, things divinely done


Now I feel God's calling on my heart to share all that I have learned, encourage and help other mid-life Christians live their most freeing, fulfilling, healthy, peaceful, prosperous and adventurous life in a Godly way. 


Each season of our life should not take for granted, but instead treasured. I would be honored to help you discover your Godly purpose in this season so that you look upon it with joy, hope and peace!  


What I Specialize In

Purposeful Travel Planning

Building Godly Confidence and Boundaries

Christian Based Dating Coaching

Career and Divine Calling

Divinely Healthy and Wealthy Life

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Let’s Start Your Journey

Psalm 37:4 - Delight Yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. 

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